Installing from source


The easiest way to use dynamite is through the pre-built container images—see Running dynamite from a container. If for some reason you can’t or do not want to use the containers, or if you want a site-specific build (for example to optimize message passing performance between nodes on a cluster), you can build from source using the following instructions.

Building from source


dynamite is written for Python >=3.8! You may need to install an appropriate version first if you don’t already have it.

Download dynamite

git clone

Dynamite is built on the PETSc and SLEPc packages. The next step is to install those.

Build PETSc

To build PETSc in your working directory, as per the download page, do the following. There is a configuration script that comes with dynamite which should help:

git clone --depth 1 --branch v3.20.5 petsc
cd petsc
python <dynamite directory>/petsc_config/

Note that you may want to adjust some of the build options. Just take a look at the script and modify as desired. There are also a couple other scripts in that directory for debug builds (if you will be modifying dynamite) and GPU support.

If all goes well, configure will tell you to run a make command. Copy the command and run it. It should look like: make PETSC_DIR=<your_petsc_directory> PETSC_ARCH=complex-opt all

Building SLEPc

Before installing SLEPc, make sure to set environment variables describing your new PETSc installation:

For bash shell: export PETSC_DIR=<petsc_dir>; export PETSC_ARCH=complex-opt

Now download and install SLEPc:

git clone --depth 1 --branch v3.20.2 slepc
cd slepc

If it configures correctly, it will output a make command to run. Copy and paste that, and run it. It should look like: make SLEPC_DIR=$PWD PETSC_DIR=<petsc_dir> PETSC_ARCH=complex-opt

Building dynamite


Due to an issue in PETSc/SLEPc, dynamite will only build successfully with pip < 23.1. To ensure a successful build we recommend running pip install pip~=23.0.1 before running the below commands.

Make sure PETSC_DIR and PETSC_ARCH environment variables are still set from the above exports (or re-set them). You should also set SLEPC_DIR:

export SLEPC_DIR=<your_slepc_installation_directory>

To keep all your Python packages tidy, I suggest using a virtual environment.

Now, you can install everything by simply running

cd dynamite
pip install ./

Now you should be all set to use dynamite!


Don’t try to do pip install dynamite! There is a totally unrelated package on PyPI by that name.