Source code for dynamite

from os import environ
from sys import stderr
import subprocess
import slepc4py
from threadpoolctl import threadpool_limits
from . import validate
from ._backend import bbuild

# handle global configuration

[docs] class _Config: """ Package-wide configuration of dynamite. """ initialized = False mock_backend = False _L = None _shell = False _subspace = None _gpu = False
[docs] def initialize(self, slepc_args=None, version_check=True, gpu=None): """ Initialize PETSc/SLEPc with various arguments (which would be passed on the command line for a C program). Only the first call to this function has any effect. It is automatically called when using much of the PETSc/SLEPc functionality (including importing `petsc4py.PETSc` or `slepc4py.SLEPc`), so it must be called early (probably right after importing dynamite). Parameters ========== slepc_args : list of str The arguments to SLEPc initialization. version_check : bool Whether process 0 should check for a new dynamite version on initialization. Can be set to false if the check is unnecessary or causes problems. gpu : bool Whether to run all computations using a GPU instead of the CPU. """ if self.initialized: raise RuntimeError('dynamite.config.initialize() can only be called once.') self._initialize(slepc_args, version_check, gpu)
def _initialize(self, slepc_args=None, version_check=True, gpu=None): """ This function should only be called by internal dynamite code, to initialize things if user didn't manually call initialize() """ if self.initialized: return if slepc_args is None: slepc_args = [] if gpu is None: if bbuild.have_gpu_shell(): # check for a working GPU try: gpu_check = ['nvidia-smi'], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL ) except FileNotFoundError: # nvidia-smi was not found gpu_check = False gpu = gpu_check and gpu_check.returncode == 0 if not gpu: print( 'WARNING: dynamite was built for GPU usage but failed to find either ' 'the nvidia-smi command or the GPU itself. Switching to CPU.\n' 'To force dynamite to attempt to use GPU, use ' 'dynamite.config.initialize(gpu=True)\n' 'To disable this warning, use ' 'dynamite.config.initialize(gpu=False)', file=stderr ) else: gpu = False if gpu: if not bbuild.have_gpu_shell(): raise RuntimeError('Cannot initialize for GPU; this build of ' 'dynamite/petsc was not configured with ' 'GPU functionality') # there is a bug (see here: # that causes performance to be terrible on Ampere GPUs with BVMAT, # when using complex numbers. # therefore for GPUs with compute capability 8 or greater we use BVVECS, # which is slightly less performant in other ways but doesn't have that bug. if bbuild.complex_enabled(): gpu_compute_capabilities = subprocess.check_output( ['nvidia-smi', '--query-gpu=compute_cap', '--format=csv,noheader'], encoding='UTF-8' ) max_cc = max(int(s.split('.')[0]) for s in gpu_compute_capabilities.strip().split('\n')) if max_cc >= 8 and '-bv_type' not in slepc_args: slepc_args += ['-bv_type', 'vecs'] slepc_args += [ '-vec_type', 'cuda', '-mat_type', 'aijcusparse', ] slepc_args += [ # to avoid an extra useless file being created when we save # State objects '-viewer_binary_skip_info', # so it doesn't warn us if we don't use all these options '-options_left', '0' ] # use mpi4py as a slightly crude check for whether we need GPU-aware MPI try: import mpi4py except ImportError: mpi4py = None if mpi4py is None and bbuild.have_gpu_shell(): # disables annoying error message in the case where we don't have # GPU-aware MPI, but we are only running with one rank so we don't care slepc_args += ['-use_gpu_aware_mpi', '0'] if bbuild.petsc_initialized(): raise RuntimeError('PETSc has been initialized but dynamite has not. ' 'Call dynamite.config.initialize(args) before importing ' 'any PETSc modules or interfacing with PETSc functionality ' '(like building matrices).') slepc4py.init(slepc_args) self.initialized = True self._gpu = gpu from petsc4py import PETSc if PETSc.COMM_WORLD.size != 1: # disable extra thread-level parallelism that can interfere with MPI # parallelism threadpool_limits(limits=1) if mpi4py is None: raise ImportError('could not import mpi4py, which is required when running with ' 'multiple ranks') if version_check and PETSc.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0: check_version() @property def global_L(self): raise TypeError('config.global_L has been changed to config.L, please use that instead.') @global_L.setter def global_L(self,value): raise TypeError('config.global_L has been changed to config.L, please use that instead.') @property def global_shell(self): raise TypeError('config.global_shell has been changed to, ' 'please use that instead.') @global_shell.setter def global_shell(self,value): raise TypeError('config.global_shell has been changed to, ' 'please use that instead.') @property def L(self): """ A global spin chain length that will be applied to all matrices and states, unless they are explicitly set to a different size. Is **not** retroactive--- will not set the size for any objects that have already been created. """ return self._L @L.setter def L(self, value): value = validate.L(value) self._L = value @property def shell(self): """ Whether to use standard PETSc matrices (``False``, default), or shell matrices (``True``). """ return self._shell @shell.setter def shell(self,value): self._shell = @property def subspace(self): """ The subspace to use for all operators and states. Can also be set for individual operators and states--see :attr:`dynamite.operators.Operator.subspace` for details. """ return self._subspace @subspace.setter def subspace(self, value): if value is None: self._subspace = None else: self._subspace = validate.subspace(value) @property def gpu(self): """ Whether to run the computations on a GPU. This property is read-only. To use GPUs, :meth:`initialize()` must be called with ``gpu=True`` (default when built with GPU support). """ return self._gpu
config = _Config() def check_version(): """ Check for any updates to dynamite, skipping if a check has been performed in the last day. """ from urllib import request import json from os import remove from os.path import isfile, expanduser from time import time from sys import stderr # only check once a day for a new version so that we don't DOS GitHub # we save a file with the time of the last check in it filename = expanduser('~/.dynamite') if isfile(filename): with open(filename) as f: last_check = float( else: last_check = 0 # if less than a day has elapsed, return cur_time = time() one_day = 24*60*60 if cur_time - last_check < one_day: return # otherwise, we should write out a new time file try: with open(filename+'_lock', 'x'): with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(str(time())) remove(filename+'_lock') # in general, catching all exceptions is a bad idea. but here, no matter # what happens we just want to give up on the check except: return # finally do the check url = '' try: with request.urlopen(url, timeout=1) as url_req: release_version ='UTF-8') except: return if release_version != bbuild.get_build_version(): print('A new version of dynamite has been released!', file=stderr) if 'DNM_DOCKER' in environ: update_msg = 'Please pull the latest image from DockerHub.' else: update_msg = 'Please update!' print(update_msg, file=stderr)