Source code for dynamite.computations

import warnings
import numpy as np

from . import config
from .tools import complex_enabled
from .msc_tools import dnm_int_t

[docs] def evolve(H, state, t, result=None, tol=None, ncv=None, algo=None, max_its=None): r""" Evolve a quantum state according to the Schrodinger equation under the Hamiltonian H. The units are natural, that is, the evolution is simply .. math:: \Psi_t = e^{-iHt} \Psi_0 Parameters ---------- H : Operator The Hamiltonian state : dynamite.states.State A dynamite State object containing the state to be evolved. t : float The time for which to evolve. Can be negative to evolve backwards in time. result : dynamite.states.State, optional Where to store the result state. If not given, a new vector is created in which to store the result. If evolving repeatedly many times, it is a good idea to pass a result vector to avoid repeatedly allocating a lot of memory. Will be overwritten. tol : float, optional The tolerance for the evolution. Error estimation is difficult for Krylov exponentiation; this merely requests that the error be somewhat close to ``tol``. There is no guarantee that it will actually be smaller. ncv : int, optional The Krylov subspace size to use. Increasing subspace size can increase performance by reducing the number of iterations necessary, but also linearly increases memory usage and the number of matrix multiplies performed. Optimizing this parameter can significantly affect performance. algo : string, optional Allowed options: 'krylov' or 'expokit'. Which SLEPc algorithm to use to compute the matrix exponential. Default is 'expokit'. max_its : int, optional Maximum number of iterations for the solver. Returns ------- dynamite.states.State The result state """ state.assert_initialized() config._initialize() from petsc4py import PETSc from slepc4py import SLEPc H.establish_L() if not H.has_subspace(state.subspace, state.subspace): raise ValueError('Hamiltonian and state are defined on different ' 'subspaces.') if result is None: from .states import State # avoids circular import result = State(L=H.L, subspace=state.subspace) elif state.subspace != result.subspace: raise ValueError('input and result states are on different subspaces.') if t == 0.0: state.copy(result) return result if not complex_enabled() and t.real != 0: raise ValueError('configure PETSc to use complex numbers to ' 'perform real time evolution') mfn = SLEPc.MFN().create() f = mfn.getFN() f.setType(SLEPc.FN.Type.EXP) scale = -1j*t if scale.imag == 0: # imaginary time evolution, scale is real scale = scale.real f.setScale(scale) if algo is not None: mfn.setType(algo) else: mfn.setType('expokit') if ncv is not None: mfn.setDimensions(ncv) mfn.setTolerances(tol=tol, max_it=max_its) mfn.setFromOptions() mfn.setOperator(H.get_mat(subspaces=(state.subspace, state.subspace))) PETSc.garbage_cleanup() mfn.solve(state.vec,result.vec) conv = mfn.getConvergedReason() if conv == SLEPc.MFN.ConvergedReason.DIVERGED_ITS: raise MaxIterationsError('solver reached maximum number of iterations without ' 'converging. perhaps try increasing the max iterations with ' 'the options to config.initialize ["-mfn_max_it","<maxits>"].') elif conv == SLEPc.MFN.ConvergedReason.DIVERGED_BREAKDOWN: raise ConvergenceError('solver failed to converge with MFN_DIVERGED_BREAKDOWN.') elif conv <= 0: raise ConvergenceError('solver failed to converge.') result.set_initialized() return result
[docs] def eigsolve(H, getvecs=False, nev=1, which='lowest', target=None, tol=None, subspace=None, max_its=None): r""" Solve for a subset of the eigenpairs of the Hamiltonian. By default, solves for the eigenvalue with the lowest (most negative) real part, e.g. the ground state. Which eigenvalues are sought and how many can be adjusted with the options. .. note:: Krylov algorithms have difficulty with degenerate or very nearly degenerate eigenvalues. Degenerate eigenvalues may be missed, and near-degenerate eigenstates may be inaccurate. .. note:: Do not try to use this function to solve for the whole spectrum! It's very efficient at finding a few eigenvalues, but no faster than other routines for finding all of them. In the future an efficient solver for the whole spectrum may be included with dynamite. Parameters ---------- getvecs : Bool Whether to return eigenvectors as well as eigenvalues. nev : int The number of eigenvalues sought. The algorithm may return more eigenvalues than ``nev`` if more happen to converge. which : str Which eigenvalues to seek. Options are\: - ``"lowest"``, to find the eigenvalues with lowest (most negative) real part - ``"highest"``, to find the eigenvalues with highest (most positive) real part - ``"exterior"``, to find eigenvalues largest in absolute magnitude - ``"target"``, to find eigenvalues closest to the given target If ``target`` is set, ``which`` can be omitted and will automatically be set to ``"target"``. target : float Using the shift-invert method, the eigensolver can seek the eigenvalues with real part closest to some target value. This requires a linear solve and so will be slower than solving for exterior eigenvalues. PETSc must be configured with a parallel linear solver (e.g. ``--download-mumps`` option in ``configure``) to use this option in parallel. tol : float The tolerance for the computation. subspace : dynamite.subspaces.Subspace, optional The subspace on which to solve for eigenvalues. If not given, defaults to the most recent subspace set with Operator.add_subspace, or config.subspace if no subspaces have been added. Returns ------- numpy.array or tuple(numpy.array, list(dynamite.states.State)) Either a 1D numpy array of eigenvalues, or a pair containing that array and a list of the corresponding eigenvectors. """ H.establish_L() if subspace is None: subspace = H.subspace elif not H.has_subspace(subspace): raise ValueError('Requested subspace has not been added to operator.') config._initialize() from petsc4py import PETSc from slepc4py import SLEPc eps = SLEPc.EPS().create() eps.setProblemType(SLEPc.EPS.ProblemType.HEP) if target is not None: which = 'target' if raise RuntimeError('Shift-invert ("target") not supported for shell matrices.') if config.gpu: raise RuntimeError('GPU-accelerated shift-invert ("target") eigensolving is not ' 'currently well-supported by PETSc, and is thus currently ' 'unavailable in dynamite.') st = eps.getST() st.setType(SLEPc.ST.Type.SINVERT) eps.setTarget(target) else: if which=='target': raise ValueError("Must specify target when setting which='target'") eps.setOperators(H.get_mat(subspaces=(subspace, subspace))) eps.setDimensions(nev) if which in ['smallest', 'largest']: warnings.warn( 'values "smallest" and "largest" for eigsolve parameter "which" ' 'are deprecated, and have been replaced by "lowest" and "highest" respectively.', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2 ) which = { 'smallest': 'lowest', 'largest': 'highest' }[which] eps.setWhichEigenpairs({ 'lowest': SLEPc.EPS.Which.SMALLEST_REAL, 'highest': SLEPc.EPS.Which.LARGEST_REAL, 'exterior': SLEPc.EPS.Which.LARGEST_MAGNITUDE, 'target': SLEPc.EPS.Which.TARGET_MAGNITUDE, }[which]) eps.setTolerances(tol=tol, max_it=max_its) eps.setFromOptions() PETSc.garbage_cleanup() eps.solve() nconv = eps.getConverged() reason = eps.getConvergedReason() if reason == SLEPc.EPS.ConvergedReason.DIVERGED_ITS: _, max_its = eps.getTolerances() raise MaxIterationsError('eigensolver reached maximum number of ' 'iterations without converging. Try ' 'increasing the maximum iterations of the ' 'eigensolver via the "max_its" argument to ' f'eigsolve() (current value: {max_its})') elif reason == SLEPc.EPS.ConvergedReason.DIVERGED_BREAKDOWN: raise ConvergenceError('eigsolver failed to converge with reason ' 'EPS_DIVERGED_BREAKDOWN') elif reason == SLEPc.EPS.ConvergedReason.DIVERGED_SYMMETRY_LOST: raise ConvergenceError('eigsolver failed to converge with reason ' 'EPS_DIVERGED_SYMMETRY_LOST') elif reason <= 0 or nconv < nev: raise ConvergenceError('eigsolver failed to converge') evals = np.ndarray((nconv,), dtype=float) evecs = [] for i in range(nconv): evals[i] = eps.getEigenpair(i, None).real if getvecs: from .states import State # avoids circular import v = State(L=H.L, subspace=H.subspace) eps.getEigenpair(i, v.vec) v.set_initialized() evecs.append(v) if getvecs: return (evals,evecs) else: return evals
[docs] def reduced_density_matrix(state, keep): """ Compute the reduced density matrix of a state vector by tracing out some set of spins. The spins to be kept (not traced out) are specified in the ``keep`` array. The density matrix is returned on process 0, the function returns a 1x1 matrix containing the value -1 on all other processes. Parameters ---------- state : dynamite.states.State A dynamite State object. keep : array-like A list of spin indices to keep. Must be sorted. Note that the returned matrix will have dimension :math:`2^{\mathrm{len(keep)}}`, so too long a list will generate a huge matrix. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray[np.complex128] The density matrix """ state.assert_initialized() config._initialize() from ._backend import bpetsc from petsc4py import PETSc if not state.subspace.product_state_basis: raise ValueError('reduced density matrices currently only supported ' 'for product state basis subspace types.') keep = np.array(keep, dtype=dnm_int_t) if keep.size == 0: return np.array([[1]], dtype=np.complex128) for n in range(1, keep.size): if keep[n] <= keep[n-1]: raise ValueError('keep array must be strictly increasing') if any(idx < 0 for idx in keep): raise ValueError('spin index less than zero. keep: %s' % str(keep)) if any(idx > state.L for idx in keep): raise ValueError('spin index greater than spin chain length minus one. keep: %s' % str(keep)) PETSc.garbage_cleanup() dm = bpetsc.reduced_density_matrix( state.vec, state.subspace._to_c(), keep ) return dm
[docs] def entanglement_entropy(state, keep): """ Compute the entanglement of a state across some cut on the spin chain. To be precise, this is the bipartite entropy of entanglement. Currently, this quantity is computed entirely on process 0. As a result, the function returns ``-1`` on all other processes. Parameters ---------- state : dynamite.states.State A dynamite State object. keep : array-like A list of spin indices to keep. See :meth:`dynamite.computations.reduced_density_matrix` for details. Returns ------- float The entanglement entropy """ reduced = reduced_density_matrix(state, keep) # currently everything computed on process 0 if reduced[0,0] == -1: return -1 rtn = dm_entanglement_entropy(reduced) return rtn
[docs] def dm_entanglement_entropy(dm): ''' Compute the Von Neumann entropy of a density matrix. Parameters ---------- dm : np.array A density matrix Returns ------- float The Von Neumann entropy ''' w = np.linalg.eigvalsh(dm) # this is required because numpy leaves uninitialized data in the # out vector unless you explicitly zero it :-( log = np.zeros(w.shape) np.log(w, where=w > 0, out=log) rtn = -np.sum(w * log) return rtn
[docs] def renyi_entropy(state, keep, alpha, method='eigsolve'): r""" Compute the Renyi entropy of the density matrix that results from tracing out some spins. The Renyi entropy is .. math:: H_{\alpha} = \frac{1}{1 - \alpha} \log \mathrm{Tr} \left[ \rho ^ \alpha \right] Arbitrary non-negative values of ``alpha`` are allowed; in the special cases of :math:`\alpha \in \{ 0, 1 \}` the function is computed in the limit. Currently, this quantity is computed entirely on process 0. As a result, the function returns ``-1`` on all other processes. Parameters ---------- state : dynamite.states.State A dynamite State object. keep : array-like A list of spin indices to keep. See :meth:`reduced_density_matrix` for details. alpha : float, int, or str The value of :math:`\alpha` from the definition of Renyi entropy. method : str, optional Whether to compute the Renyi entropy by solving for eigenvalues, or computing a matrix power and doing a trace. One or the other may be faster depending on the specific problem. Options: ``eigsolve`` or ``matrix_power``. Returns ------- float The Renyi entropy """ reduced = reduced_density_matrix(state, keep) # currently everything computed on process 0 if reduced[0,0] == -1: return -1 rtn = dm_renyi_entropy(reduced, alpha, method) return rtn
[docs] def dm_renyi_entropy(dm, alpha, method='eigsolve'): ''' Compute the Renyi entropy of a density matrix. See :meth:`renyi_entropy` for details. Parameters ---------- dm : np.array A density matrix alpha : int, float, or str The value of alpha in the definition of Renyi entropy. method : str Whether to compute the Renyi entropy by solving for eigenvalues, or computing a matrix power and doing a trace. One or the other may be faster depending on the specific problem. Options: ``eigsolve`` or ``matrix_power``. Returns ------- float The Renyi entropy ''' # special cases if alpha == 0: # H_0 = log|X| eps = 1E-10 eigs = np.linalg.eigvalsh(dm) support = np.sum(eigs > eps) return np.log(support) elif alpha == 1: # H_1 = Von Neumann entropy return dm_entanglement_entropy(dm) elif alpha == 'inf': eigs = np.linalg.eigvalsh(dm) return -np.log(np.max(eigs)) # compute the trace of rho**alpha if method == 'matrix_power': if alpha == int(alpha): powered = np.linalg.matrix_power(dm, int(alpha)) else: raise TypeError('alpha must be an integer for matrix_power method.') trace = np.trace(powered).real elif method == 'eigsolve': w = np.linalg.eigvalsh(dm) trace = np.sum(w**alpha) else: raise ValueError('Valid methods are "eigsolve" and "matrix_power"') return 1/(1-alpha) * np.log(trace)
[docs] def get_tstep(ncv,nrm,tol=1E-7): """ Compute the length of a sub-step in a Expokit matrix exponential solve. """ f = ((ncv+1)/2.72)**(ncv+1) * np.sqrt(2*np.pi*(ncv+1)) t = ((1/nrm)*(f*tol)/(4.0*nrm))**(1/ncv) s = 10.0**(np.floor(np.log10(t))-1) return np.ceil(t/s)*s
[docs] def estimate_compute_time(t,ncv,nrm,tol=1E-7): """ Estimate compute time in units of matrix multiplies, for an expokit exponential solve. """ tstep = get_tstep(ncv,nrm,tol) iters = np.ceil(t/tstep) return ncv*iters
[docs] class ConvergenceError(Exception): pass
[docs] class MaxIterationsError(ConvergenceError): pass