Source code for dynamite.subspaces

Classes that define the various subspaces on which operators can be defined.

The methods generally are just an interface to the backend, so that there is only
one implementation of each of the functions.

import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
from zlib import crc32
import math
from functools import wraps

from . import validate, config, states
from ._backend import bsubspace
from .msc_tools import dnm_int_t, combine_and_sort
from .bitwise import parity

[docs] class Subspace: ''' Base subspace class. ''' _chksum = None def __eq__(self, s): ''' Returns true if the two subspaces correspond to the same mapping, even if they are different classes. ''' if s is self: return True if not isinstance(s, Subspace): raise ValueError('Cannot compare Subspace to non-Subspace type') if self.L is None: raise ValueError('Cannot evaluate equality of subspaces before setting L') if self.get_dimension() != s.get_dimension(): return False return self.get_checksum() == s.get_checksum()
[docs] def identical(self, s): ''' Returns whether two subspaces are exactly the same---both the same type and with the same values. ''' return hash(self) == hash(s)
@property def L(self): ''' The spin chain length corresponding to this space. ''' return self._L
[docs] def check_L(self, value): # by default, any L that passes our normal validation checks works return value
@L.setter def L(self, value): if self.L is not None and value != self.L: raise AttributeError('Cannot change L for a subspace after it is set') # check that this value of L is compatible with the subspace value = validate.L(value) value = self.check_L(value) self._L = value @property def product_state_basis(self): """ A boolean value indicating whether the given subspace's basis states are product states. """ return self._product_state_basis
[docs] def copy(self): return deepcopy(self)
[docs] def get_checksum(self): ''' Get a checksum of the state mapping for this subspace. This allows subspaces to be compared quickly. ''' if self._chksum is None: BLOCK = 2**14 chksum = 0 for start in range(0, self.get_dimension(), BLOCK): stop = min(start+BLOCK, self.get_dimension()) smap = self.idx_to_state(np.arange(start, stop)) chksum = crc32(smap, chksum) self._chksum = chksum return self._chksum
[docs] def get_dimension(self): """ Get the dimension of the subspace. """ return self._get_dimension()
def _get_dimension(self): raise NotImplementedError def _single_or_array(fn): ''' Takes a functions that takes and returns arrays, and allows it to take and return just a single value as well. ''' @wraps(fn) def rtn_fn(self, val, *args, **kwargs): single_value = not hasattr(val, "__len__") val = np.ascontiguousarray( np.array(val, copy=False, dtype=bsubspace.dnm_int_t).reshape((-1,)) ) rtn = fn(self, val, *args, **kwargs) if single_value: return rtn[0] else: return rtn return rtn_fn
[docs] @_single_or_array def idx_to_state(self, idx): """ Maps an index to an integer that in binary corresponds to the spin configuration. Vectorized implementation allows passing a numpy array of indices as idx. """ # check that all indices are in bounds dim = self.get_dimension() if np.min(idx) < 0 or np.max(idx) >= dim: # do this inside the if statement for performance invalid_idx = idx[np.logical_or(idx >= dim, idx < 0)] if len(invalid_idx) == 1: msg = f'Index {invalid_idx[0]}' else: msg = f'Indices {invalid_idx}' msg += f' out of bounds for subspace of dimension {dim}' raise ValueError(msg) return self._idx_to_state(idx)
def _idx_to_state(idx): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @_single_or_array def state_to_idx(self, state): """ The inverse mapping of :meth:`idx_to_state`. """ return self._state_to_idx(state)
def _state_to_idx(self, state): raise NotImplementedError def _to_c(self): ''' Returns a dict with the fields 'type' and 'data' containing information about the underlying product state subspace. Any subspace on top of that (currently only XParity) needs to be handled separately. ''' raise NotImplementedError
class _ProductStateSubspace(Subspace): """ A subspace whose basis states are product states in the Z basis. Subspaces of this class underlie the non-product-state subspaces (currently only XParity). """ _product_state_basis = True # enum value used in the backend to identify subspace _enum = None # functions each subclass should supply _c_get_dimension = None _c_idx_to_state = None _c_state_to_idx = None def __init__(self, L=None): self._L = None if L is None: L = config.L if L is not None: self.L = L def _get_dimension(self): return self._c_get_dimension(self._get_cdata()) def _idx_to_state(self, idx): return self._c_idx_to_state(idx, self._get_cdata()) def _state_to_idx(self, state): return self._c_state_to_idx(state, self._get_cdata()) def _get_cdata(self): ''' Returns an object containing the subspace data accessible by the backend C. ''' raise NotImplementedError() def _to_c(self): return {'type': self._enum, 'data': self._get_cdata()}
[docs] class Full(_ProductStateSubspace): _enum = bsubspace.SubspaceType.FULL _c_get_dimension = staticmethod(bsubspace.get_dimension_Full) _c_idx_to_state = staticmethod(bsubspace.idx_to_state_Full) _c_state_to_idx = staticmethod(bsubspace.state_to_idx_Full) def __init__(self, L=None): super().__init__(L) def __eq__(self, s): if isinstance(s, Full): return s.L == self.L return super().__eq__(s) def __hash__(self): return hash((self._enum, self.L)) def __repr__(self): if self.L is None: arg_str = '' else: arg_str = f'L={self.L}' return f'Full({arg_str})' def _get_cdata(self): ''' Returns an object containing the subspace data accessible by the C backend. ''' if self.L is None: raise ValueError('L has not been set for this subspace') return bsubspace.CFull(self.L)
[docs] class Parity(_ProductStateSubspace): ''' The subspaces of states in which the number of up spins is even or odd. Parameters ---------- space : int Either 0 or 'even' for the even subspace, or 1 or 'odd' for the other. ''' _enum = bsubspace.SubspaceType.PARITY _c_get_dimension = staticmethod(bsubspace.get_dimension_Parity) _c_idx_to_state = staticmethod(bsubspace.idx_to_state_Parity) _c_state_to_idx = staticmethod(bsubspace.state_to_idx_Parity) def __init__(self, space, L=None): super().__init__(L) self._space = self._check_space(space) @property def space(self): return self._space @classmethod def _check_space(cls, value): if value in [0,'even']: return 0 elif value in [1,'odd']: return 1 else: raise ValueError('Invalid parity space "'+str(value)+'" ' '(valid choices are 0, 1, "even", or "odd")') def __hash__(self): return hash((self._enum, self.L, def __repr__(self): arg_str = {0: "'even'", 1: "'odd'"}[] if self.L is not None: arg_str += f', L={self.L}' return f'Parity({arg_str})' def _get_cdata(self): ''' Returns an object containing the subspace data accessible by the C backend. ''' if self.L is None: raise ValueError('L has not been set for this subspace') return bsubspace.CParity(self.L,
[docs] class SpinConserve(_ProductStateSubspace): ''' The subspaces of states which conserve total magnetization (total number of up/down spins). Parameters ---------- L : int Length of spin chain k : int Number of down spins (1's in integer representation of state) spinflip : None (deprecated, use ``XParity`` subspace) ''' _enum = bsubspace.SubspaceType.SPIN_CONSERVE _c_get_dimension = staticmethod(bsubspace.get_dimension_SpinConserve) _c_idx_to_state = staticmethod(bsubspace.idx_to_state_SpinConserve) _c_state_to_idx = staticmethod(bsubspace.state_to_idx_SpinConserve) def __init__(self, L, k, spinflip=None): super().__init__(L=L) self._k = self._check_k(k) self._nchoosek = self._compute_nchoosek(L, k) if spinflip is not None: raise DeprecationWarning('spinflip argument has been deprecated; use the XParity ' 'class instead.') def __hash__(self): return hash((self._enum, self.L, self.k)) def __repr__(self): return f'SpinConserve(L={self.L}, k={self.k})' @classmethod def _compute_nchoosek(cls, L, k): # we index over k first to hopefully make the memory access pattern # slightly better. sorry :-( rtn = np.ndarray((k+1, L+1), dtype=bsubspace.dnm_int_t) # there is a more efficient algorithm where we use a combinations # identity to compute the values way faster. but it's super fast anyway # and this is more readable for (kk, LL), _ in np.ndenumerate(rtn): rtn[kk, LL] = math.comb(LL, kk) return rtn def _check_k(self, k): if not (0 <= k <= self.L): raise ValueError('k must be between 0 and L') return k @property def k(self): """ The number of down ("1" in binary representation) spins. """ return self._k def _get_cdata(self): ''' Returns an object containing the subspace data accessible by the C backend. ''' if self.L is None: raise ValueError('L has not been set for this subspace') return bsubspace.CSpinConserve( self.L, self.k, np.ascontiguousarray(self._nchoosek) )
[docs] class Explicit(_ProductStateSubspace): ''' A subspace generated by explicitly passing a list of product states. Parameters ---------- state_list : array-like An array of integers representing the states (in binary). ''' _enum = bsubspace.SubspaceType.EXPLICIT _c_get_dimension = staticmethod(bsubspace.get_dimension_Explicit) _c_idx_to_state = staticmethod(bsubspace.idx_to_state_Explicit) _c_state_to_idx = staticmethod(bsubspace.state_to_idx_Explicit) def __init__(self, state_list, L=None): self.state_map = np.asarray(state_list, dtype=bsubspace.dnm_int_t) map_sorted = np.all(self.state_map[:-1] <= self.state_map[1:]) if map_sorted: self.rmap_indices = np.array([-1], dtype=bsubspace.dnm_int_t) self.rmap_states = self.state_map else: self.rmap_indices = np.argsort(self.state_map).astype(bsubspace.dnm_int_t, copy=False) self.rmap_states = self.state_map[self.rmap_indices] # ensure all states are unique if np.any(self.rmap_states[1:] == self.rmap_states[:-1]): raise ValueError('values in state_list must be unique') # need to keep a handle on the contiguous versions of these, # so they don't get garbage collected self.state_map = np.ascontiguousarray(self.state_map) self.rmap_indices = np.ascontiguousarray(self.rmap_indices) self.rmap_states = np.ascontiguousarray(self.rmap_states) super().__init__(L=L)
[docs] def check_L(self, value): # last value of rmap_states is the lexicographically largest one if self.rmap_states[-1] >> value != 0: raise ValueError('State in subspace has more spins than provided') return value
def __hash__(self): return hash((self._enum, self.get_checksum())) def __repr__(self): # following numpy's lead about when to put ellipsis if len(self.state_map) < 1000: to_show = self.state_map else: to_show = list(self.state_map[:3]) + ['...'] + list(self.state_map[-3:]) if self.L is None: # number of bits in max value of state map L = int(self.rmap_states[-1]).bit_length() else: L = self.L # python 0b... integers, but with zeros filled to length L arg_str = '[' + ', '.join( x if isinstance(x, str) else '0b' + bin(x)[2:].zfill(L) for x in to_show ) + ']' if self.L is not None: arg_str += f', L={self.L}' return f'Explicit({arg_str})' def _get_cdata(self): ''' Returns an object containing the subspace data accessible by the C backend. ''' if self.L is None: raise ValueError('L has not been set for this subspace') return bsubspace.CExplicit( self.L, self.state_map, self.rmap_indices, self.rmap_states )
[docs] class Auto(Explicit): ''' Automatically generate a mapping that takes advantage of any possible spin conservation law, by performing a breadth-first search of the graph of possible states using the operator as an adjacency matrix. The subspace is defined by providing a "start" state; the returned subspace will be whatever subspace contains that state. Currently the actual computation of the ordering only can occur on process 0, limiting the scalability of this subspace. Parameters ---------- H : dynamite.operators.Operator The operator for which this custom subspace will be defined. state : int or string An integer whose binary representation corresponds to the spin configuration of the "start" state mentioned above, or string representing the same. See :meth:`dynamite.states.State.str_to_state` for more information. size_guess : int A guess for the dimension of the subspace. By default, memory is allocated for the full space, and then trimmed off if not used. sort : bool Whether to reorder the mapping after computing it. In some cases this may cause a speedup. ''' def __init__(self, H, state, size_guess=None, sort=True): H.establish_L() # construct repr args it now so we don't have to save a ton of stuff self._repr_args = f'H={repr(H)}, state={repr(state)}' if size_guess is not None: self._repr_args += f', size_guess={size_guess}' if not sort: self._repr_args += ', sort=False' self.state = states.State.str_to_state(state, H.L) if size_guess is None: size_guess = 2**H.L state_map = np.ndarray((size_guess,), dtype=bsubspace.dnm_int_t) H.reduce_msc() dim = bsubspace.compute_rcm(H.msc['masks'], H.msc['signs'], H.msc['coeffs'], state_map, self.state, H.L) state_map = state_map[:dim] if sort: state_map.sort() else: # reverse Cuthill-McKee ordering needs... reverse! state_map = state_map[::-1] Explicit.__init__(self, state_map, L=H.L) def __repr__(self): return f'Auto({self._repr_args})'
[docs] class XParity(Subspace): r''' This class implements the Parity subspace, but in the X basis instead of the Z basis. Unlike the other subspaces, it can be applied on top of another subspace by passing that subspace as the ``parent`` argument. In the Z basis, the basis states of this subspace are not product states, but rather states of the form :math:`\left|c\right> + \left|\bar c \right>`, where :math:`\left|c\right>` is a product state and :math:`\left|\bar c\right>` is its complement (all spins flipped). In dynamite's interface, these basis states are represented by the bitstring :math:`c` or :math:`\bar c` that is lexicographically first (that is, the one having spin L-1 in the :math:`\left|0\right>` state). ''' _product_state_basis = False def __init__(self, parent=None, sector='+', L=None): if parent is None: parent = Full() self._parent = parent if L is not None: self.parent.L = L self._validate_parent(self.parent) if sector in ['+', +1]: self._sector = +1 elif sector in ['-', -1]: self._sector = -1 else: raise ValueError('invalid value for sector') @classmethod def _validate_parent(cls, parent): if not parent.product_state_basis: raise ValueError('parent must be a product state subspace') # Full is always fine if isinstance(parent, Full): return if parent.L is None: raise ValueError('L must be set for the parent subspace') # Parity is fine if L is even if isinstance(parent, Parity): if parent.L % 2 == 0: return raise ValueError('Parity is only compatible with XParity when L is even') # SpinConserve is only OK at half filling if isinstance(parent, SpinConserve): if parent.L == 2*parent.k: return raise ValueError('SpinConserve is only compatible with XParity when k=L/2') # otherwise (currently only could be Explicit) we have to check... explicitly! dim = parent.get_dimension() if dim % 2 != 0: raise ValueError('parent subspace must have even dimension') block_size = 1024 # for efficiency for start in range(0, dim//2, block_size): end = min(start+block_size, dim//2) # states in first half, they are representatives state_block = parent.idx_to_state(np.arange(start, end)) # make sure they all start with 0 if np.count_nonzero(state_block >> (parent.L-1)): raise ValueError('first dim/2 basis states must have spin L-1 up ' '(0 in integer notation)') # make sure their complements are also in subspace if np.any(parent.state_to_idx(state_block) == -1): raise ValueError('the complement of every state in subspace (all spins flipped) ' 'must also be in subspace') # we don't need to check the ones starting with 1, because all basis states are unique, # so if half of states start with 0 and each one has a complement there is no room for # extra states starting with 1 that don't have a matching 0 state @property def parent(self): """ The parent subspace upon which XParity has been applied. """ return self._parent @property def sector(self): """ The sector of the xparity symmetry. Returns +1 or -1 as an integer. """ return self._sector
[docs] def reduce_msc(self, msc, check_conserves=False): """ Return an equivalent (in the subspace) but simpler MSC representation for the operator, by taking advantage of the subspace's symmetries. Parameters ---------- msc : dynamite.msc_tools.msc_dtype The input MSC representation check_conserves : bool Whether to return whether the operator was conserved Returns ------- dynamite.msc_tools.msc_dtype The reduced version bool Whether the operator was conserved during the operation """ msc = msc.copy() # delete elements which do not commute with symmetry operator keep = parity(msc['signs']) == 0 conserved = np.all(keep) msc = msc[keep] terms_to_mod = np.nonzero(msc['masks'] >> (self.L-1)) msc['masks'][terms_to_mod] ^= (1 << self.L) - 1 if self.sector == -1: msc['coeffs'][terms_to_mod] *= -1 msc = combine_and_sort(msc) if check_conserves: return msc, conserved else: return msc
[docs] def convert_state(self, state): """ Convert a state on the XParity subspace to one on its parent, or vice versa. Parameters ---------- state : State The input state Returns ------- State The converted state """ state.assert_initialized() istart, iend = state.vec.getOwnershipRange() n_in = len(state) block_size = 1024 # convert to parent if state.subspace is self: rtn_state = states.State(subspace=self.parent) flip_mask = (1 << self.L) - 1 for block_start in range(istart, iend, block_size): block_end = min(iend, block_start + block_size) # get the indices where values should be set from_idxs = np.arange(block_start, block_end, dtype=dnm_int_t) from_states = self.idx_to_state(from_idxs) to_idxs = self.parent.state_to_idx(flip_mask ^ from_states) rtn_state.vec[to_idxs] = state.vec[from_idxs] rtn_state.vec.assemble() if self.sector == -1: # flip sector of second half of vector for - subspace rtn_state.vec.scale(-1) # first half is easier---indices are the same! rtn_state.vec[istart:iend] = state.vec[istart:iend] # convert from parent elif state.subspace is self.parent: rtn_state = states.State(subspace=self) # second half of vector start = max(n_in//2, istart) end = iend if start < end: flip_mask = (1 << self.L) - 1 for block_start in range(start, end, block_size): block_end = min(end, block_start + block_size) # get the indices where values should be set from_idxs = np.arange(block_start, block_end, dtype=dnm_int_t) from_states = self.parent.idx_to_state(from_idxs) to_idxs = self.state_to_idx(flip_mask ^ from_states) rtn_state.vec[to_idxs] = state.vec[from_idxs] rtn_state.vec.assemble() if self.sector == -1: # flip sector of second half of vector for - subspace rtn_state.vec.scale(-1) if istart < n_in//2: start = istart end = min(n_in//2, iend) rtn_state.vec.setValues(np.arange(start, end, dtype=dnm_int_t), state.vec[start:end], addv=True) else: raise ValueError('subspace of input state must be this XParity subspace ' 'or its parent') rtn_state.vec.assemble() rtn_state.vec.scale(1/np.sqrt(2)) # normalize rtn_state.set_initialized() return rtn_state
def __hash__(self): return hash(('XParity', self.sector, self.parent)) def __repr__(self): return f'XParity({repr(self.parent)}, sector={self.sector:+d})' @property def _L(self): return self.parent.L @_L.setter def _L(self, value): self.parent.L = value def _get_dimension(self): return self.parent.get_dimension()//2 def _idx_to_state(self, idx): # representative states are the first N/2 # so we can just call parent function directly return self.parent.idx_to_state(idx) def _state_to_idx(self, state): # this function takes a representation of a "representative" # state---so it must start with 0 (have spin L-1 in state 0) if np.count_nonzero(state >> (self.L-1)): raise ValueError('invalid state') return self.parent.state_to_idx(state) def _to_c(self): return self.parent._to_c()